N. 1 (2015): (de)gendering the postcolonial. Postcoloniali e generi – postcoloniali degeneri
Articoli a invito

Imperial Democracies, Militarised Zones, Feminist Engagements

Chandra Talpade Mohanty
(de)gendering the postcolonial Postcoloniali e generi – postcoloniali degeneri

Pubblicato 2016-01-29

Come citare

Mohanty, C. T. (2016). Imperial Democracies, Militarised Zones, Feminist Engagements. De Genere - Rivista Di Studi Letterari, Postcoloniali E Di Genere, 1(1). Recuperato da https://www.degenere-journal.it/index.php/degenere/article/view/24


The post-11 September 2001 consolidation of imperial democracies and securitised regimes in the United States, Israel, and India mobilise anatomies of violence anchored in colonial legacies and capitalist profit-making. These regimes utilise specific and connected racial and gendered ideologies and practices at their social and territorial borders – in the us-Mexico borderlands, the West Bank and Gaza, and the Kashmir Valley. They exercise militarised and masculinised forms of control, surveillance and dispossession that illuminate the contours of national political subjectivities and the uneven construction of citizenship. These imperial democracies militarise all domains of social life, and discipline or imprison not just abandoned and criminalised communities, but all state subjects. The essay suggests that an alternative vision of connectivity and solidarity requires building ethical, cross-border feminist solidarities that confront neoliberal militarisation globally.

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